Friday, August 29, 2008

Johnson's Farm

Today I took Lilly to Johnson's Farm. It is a farm that Andy and I always visit for a hayride to pick our pumpkin each year. A friend told me they expanded the farm and there were many activities for kids so Lilly and I went to check it out. It was great! We started by purchasing 2 apple cider donuts and eating them (warm) before heading to the hayride. We were going to take the hayride out to pick apples, peaches, and corn. Lilly was very excited. Here she is waiting for the hayride to begin. Our little sunflower!!

Anxiously awaiting with her ticket in hand.

Yay! Finally aboard the tractor and ready to go. The weather was perfect. Crisp, cool, in the 70's and overcast.
The first stop was to pick Gala apples (Lilly's favorite). She loved walking around with her little brown bag and dropping the apples in.
Without meaning to I stirred up a bit of commotion amongst the other kids on the hayride by letting Lilly eat an apple. It was a tiny apple and I cleaned it off well (the farmer told her it was fine) but apparently the other mothers didn't want their kids eating the apples so while Lilly enjoyed her snack there were many envious kids. I considered telling her to put it back in the bag but went ahead and let her enjoy it. She ate the whole thing before we even made it to the peaches - skin and all!
Farmer Jack helping Lilly get ready to pick some peaches! The peaches were huge and beautiful.
Lilly with a full bag of peaches and still picking more...
Time for some corn! Last stop on the hayride. Farmer Jack taught the kids how to pick the corn and to make sure it was large enough. Lilly found pulling the corn off the stalks tricky so she ran through the corn fields while I picked the corn :-)
After the hayride we headed to the Discovery Kids area that includes many playgrounds (by ages) and a barn with animals to feed. Lilly wanted to feed the same goat all the food. She said he was hungry.

Then off to play on the playground! Lilly wanted to go on the playground for 7-12 year olds and it took a lot of effort explaining to her that it was too big and too high. She didn't believe me but finally headed to the one for kids her age! Peek-a-boo!

Trying to slide down the alphabet used for climbing (like a rock wall). She really had a lot of fun playing.
Time for lunch! If I'd known today was free ice cream day I would have packed her a lunch and we could have eaten our picnic lunch before the ice cream. But since she was getting free ice cream I had to buy her lunch first. She chose a hot dog. Yummy.

Last but not least - a whole cup of soft serve vanilla ice cream before heading home for a nap. She said, "So fun Mommy" when we were leaving and I could tell she was exhausted. As we were leaving I realized how busy the farm had become. We timed it perfectly!

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