Sunday, August 24, 2008

No More Wire Hangers

I turned insane yesterday.

While Lilly and I were eating lunch (Andy was at work) we were reading a book with large lift-the-flap colored Easter eggs. Before she lifted each flap she was telling me the colors. **Identifying colors has been non-existent with Lilly. The minute we even ask her a color or tell her a color she becomes uninterested and quickly changes the subject or begins a new activity. It has driven me crazy for a year.** So needless to say, yesterday I was shocked she was correctly identifying the colors. We turned it into a game and she would pretend she didn't know then end up telling me...

Ok, fast forward 4 hours. Andy is now home from work and we're all sitting at the kitchen table talking. She asks to read the same book. I'm excited for her to show Daddy how she knows the colors. She says, "I don't know" for each color. She won't guess. She has no clue what they are. She changes the subject. She talks about a boo-boo, talks about a baby being born, etc.

I turn insane at this point. I'm telling her she does know the colors. I'm telling her she can't have food until she says the color. I have Andy get out Dora fruit snacks and hold them there until she says the color. She starts crying. I'm thinking, "I am such a horrible mother" yet I keep insisting she say the color!!!! I can't explain it other than saying I lost my mind. Not a proud moment. I just cannot understand why she acts this way when it comes to counting, letters, and colors. We have no clue what she knows and what she doesn't. She won't let me sing the A, B, C song. Won't let me count. Won't discuss colors.

So here lies my confession. I was psychotic for approximately 10 minutes and then I felt badly and we went on to play a game and she was fine and happy. I've not behaved in this way before nor will I in the future. Today we read the book again and I didn't mention the colors.

But when her preschool teacher calls to discuss these issues...

...I'm not answering the phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does the coat hangers have to do with Lilly's memory.
She is telling you how smart she really is. She has a talent we don't have. She keeps us thinking and before we know it, she will be naming the past presidnets of the USA.
Love you