Thursday, August 28, 2008

Money Money Money

Lilly took some change to Commerce Bank!  I emptied a bucket of change into a baggie for her to take to the bank.  As she got into the car she turned the bag upside down and I guess due to the weight of the coins the bag flew open and all the change went all over my car...  But Lilly helped me pick it up and we headed to Commerce.

At the bank she was very excited. She dumped the coins in and the lady helping us asked Lilly to put in her guess at how much money was there (I'm thinking she's 2!!!) and Lilly said "two and a hass" (her age) and so they lady told her to press the "2" on the computer screen.  Lilly pressed it twice which made her guess $22.00.  As the coins sifted through and then the total came up weren't we all surprised!  $22.18!!  All the bank tellers and workers clapped and Lilly was very proud.  I don't think she had a clue what was going on but it didn't matter.  She was in her glory.  They gave her a sucker and she was thrilled.  She went up and gave the receipt to the teller and they gave her a twenty, two ones, and 18 cents.  She hung onto that envelope all morning.  It was so cute!!!

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