Friday, May 1, 2009


I have a job for Andy this weekend. Andy usually comes up with the jobs around the house and I rarely ask anything of him regarding chores/household "to do's" but this weekend I will ask him to install a lock high up on our front door. High enough that Lilly can't reach it. My friend Kristen has one on her front door and now I know why (she's many kids ahead of me).

Lilly can get out of the front door and feels perfectly comfortable letting herself out. Usually I'm downstairs with her and she plays with chalk on the front porch. But today, while I showered, Lilly decided to get on her shoes, get her umbrella, prop open the screen door (just in case she needed to get back in), and head down to her friend Lindsay's house.

She didn't get too far (maybe 1 house away and Lindsay is about 1/4 a mile away) when I noticed it was pretty quiet upstairs and I jumped out of the shower (wet) and ran downstairs to find the door ajar. I called her name and she called back, "I'm going to Fwiendsay's house! I see you waiter Mama!"

She was not happy that she had to come home and go into her room. She didn't understand why and I knew it was my job to explain it to her. I went into her room after her time in there alone and told her that there are cars that could hit her and strangers that could take her and she has to have permission from Mommy or Daddy to go outside. She was really adorably innocent and said, "But I got my Cwocs and my umbwella Mama!"

She's such an independent little soul. She really can take care of her basic needs which is great for a newly 3 year old. But free spirit aside we have to constantly reign her in and explain boundaries to her so that she understands and accepts them. I'm sure it's going to be a long road with Lilly but I sure do love her fire. How can you not?

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