Friday, May 22, 2009

Sunny Day

This morning Lilly asked to go to the park and I wanted to get some exercise so we headed out to a park that is on the other side of the neighborhood. We packed snacks and set out. Lilly was very excited. She loves "the park with dinosaurs!" Ella was of course along for the ride...
We were the only ones there and it was (is) a gorgeous day. Lilly seesawing (can I make that a verb?).
The dinosaurs...

Ella chilled out on a blanket with some toys.
Lilly loves climbing (and hanging, flipping, sliding, jumping, running...).
"Boo!" She's only looking at the camera because I hid at the top while she was climbing up the back. I surprised her and she laughed. I'm getting sneaky in my ways.
Ella's second time in a park swing. She's so content and chill. Did I mention she's almost 18 lbs? We had her 6 month check-up yesterday and she's 97%tile for height and 90%tile for weight.

Ella got hungry and tired (the *only* time she fusses).
This playground has a really cool little cove created by Mother Nature herself. You can walk in and it's a big circle surrounded by trees and vines. It's very pretty in there and Lilly thinks it's neat.
Lilly got tired (after running laps) and wanted to go home. We had a great time. I enjoy hanging out with the girls alone sometimes. Friends are great to have around but having each other is nice too.

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