Happy 4th of July!
We've had a fun weekend so far. Last night we headed to a party down the street. I made hot buffalo chicken dip and it was a big hit! It was gone before the party really started. That made me feel good! We walked down as a family and about a half hour later I took Ella home and put her to bed. We had a young girl in the neighborhood stay and keep an eye on the baby monitor for a couple hours. Lilly had a blast staying up late and playing with all the kids at the party.
Today we headed to Babcia's (new) house for the 4th of July festivities that they were having. But we only got to enjoy a carriage ride. Everything closed down at noon and we arrived at 11:40. Oops. I was unaware. Lilly liked petting the horses. I pet them and they were soaked in sweat. So then I spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for them and worrying about them. Notice how very large these horses are. Andy is 6' tall and the horses are as tall as he is. They were huge.
We tried to get a picture on the ride but the girls weren't really into it. Ella was hungry. Lilly was tired.
Babcia took our anual family picture. Good thing Lilly made it into the picture. I would miss her if she were chopped off.
We were sitting in Babcia's place visiting with her when Jackie called to tell me the pool events started at 1pm and asked if we were coming. We had no intentions but decided to head back home to go to the pool since we'd missed all the "fun" at Babcia's house. Lilly got to do a penny toss in the baby pool. She was very excited before it started.
But once she tried to get the pennies she pretty much freaked out because she was scared to reach down and get them. I ended up getting in with her and moving the pennies to the very edge where it's the most shallow. Then she was successful and therefore happy. God forbid she fail.
Lilly turned in her pennies for a bag of candy. She was thrilled (and cold).
We hung at the pool for a while until both girls were so tired they practically begged to go to sleep. I walked them home and they were both asleep within minutes of laying their heads down.
Tonight I may take Lilly to see some fireworks. I'm not sure of our plans yet. To be continued...
We've had a fun weekend so far. Last night we headed to a party down the street. I made hot buffalo chicken dip and it was a big hit! It was gone before the party really started. That made me feel good! We walked down as a family and about a half hour later I took Ella home and put her to bed. We had a young girl in the neighborhood stay and keep an eye on the baby monitor for a couple hours. Lilly had a blast staying up late and playing with all the kids at the party.
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