Friday, July 10, 2009

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Tonight Andy took Lilly to a Camden Riversharks baseball game. It was Harrison Township Community night at the game and that is the school district where Andy works so his kids and families were at the game. His chorus sang the National Anthem to kick off the game. It was a date night for Andy and Lilly. She was very excited.
*I made him take the camera; hee hee.

Did you know the Campbell's soup headquarters is based in Camden, NJ?
Right by the field is a play area for children and Lilly got to ride the carousel many times!
Playing ball!
Waiting for Friday night fireworks!
Andy and Lilly got home at 11 p.m.! And Lilly was still awake. She told me all about the game and then sacked out. I'm hoping she sleeps in a bit but I doubt she will. Time to head to bed myself...

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