Sunday, August 2, 2009

Beach Day Take 2

Yesterday we headed to Sandy Neck Beach for a retake of yesterday's fiasco. It was a gorgeous day - 75 degrees, blue sky, no humidity.

Before we headed out the kids ate breakfast. Here's the gang in action. See if you can find all 4 kiddies and the dog (Georgia).
The kids played on the beach for a few hours.
Ella was a trooper. She skipped her morning nap so we could head to the beach and she was happy as a clam. She enjoyed her little pool. She put everything in her mouth.
I'm hoping the weather remains this beautiful. I'm loving NO HUMIDITY!

1 comment:

Kay said...

Looks like fun...I'm jealous you are at the beach. Pics are GREAT!! Hope to see more of Cape Code through your camera lens!!!