Monday, August 31, 2009


So much to say. So very much to say.

But first things first...
How darn cute is she? And that face she's making? Gosh, I'm such a sucker.

It's been three days since my computer last worked. I feel like a new woman. I have to give a huge shout out to Apple. They are an AMAZING company. Really, I am constantly floored by their customer service. I have been there six times in the last 2 months. I have received 2 brand new chargers ($100 a piece), a new battery ($100 +), a new keyboard (who knows how much), and a new faceplate (again, no clue)... ALL FREE and no, I'm not under warranty anymore. They are generous. They want me to be happy. They are friendly. They clean my computer and fix anything that's not working 'up to speed' as far as I'm concerned. They've never charged me a dime. I don't know why but I love them so much for it. Oh, and they have kiddie computers that Lilly can play on which is a triple quadruple bonus.

In other news, both girls have been sick. Lilly has a bad cold (which triggers asthma and nebulizers) and Ella has a cold and an ear infection. Fun times.

And finally, something has me very very twisted. I can get myself totally bent out of shape in an instant over it. I've done a lot of self-talk to get over it but just typing this is getting me all sweaty again.

Lilly received her "Welcome to Preschool" letter from her teacher last week. It's a total trainwreck. See exhibit A, B, and C below...

I can't get over it. I've actually prayed over this. If I don't change my attitude it will surely be a long, long 14 years that I have ahead of me. I have to somehow accept that not all teachers are as conscientious as I was. It doesn't reflect her passion for educating my precious child (choke, sputter, ahem... see I sort of think it does reflect her passion or lackthereof but I'm trying to say the right thing here and then believe it).

I just keep obsessing over the fact that 1). the director must not know what they send home, 2). this is a form letter written 30 years ago and literally cut and pasted each year, 3). it looks like utter shit and no one seems to care, and 4). I feel like your work is a reflection of you and if this is a reflection of Lilly's first schooling experience I am already not happy.

Ok there, I got it off my chest. I'm supposed to feel better now. I'm going to go have a little conversation with the good Lord above and see what I can work out. It may involve a prescription of some sort. I'll let you know...

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