Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Today both girls got flu shots. They did not cry. They did not flinch. I was shocked.

I'm not sure if the flu shot effected Ella in any way but she did not want to go to bed tonight. She wanted to play. I think she wanted to play alone without her big sister around. She played independently for almost an hour.

Ella's been trying to climb things. She's not a very sturdy climber but she enjoys it. Tonight she was successful in climbing on top of a box (thanks Krissy for the clothes!).
She played with her house.
She made music with her push toy.
She opened and closed a book on her music table.
She dug through her toy box.
Finally, after rocking, crying, rocking, crying, rocking again, and some Tylenol, she fell asleep. Not sure what our night has in store for us. I'm slightly scared.

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