Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today we had a special treat! Sherry stopped by for a couple hours with Kate and Elizabeth. Lilly was so excited to see her cousins that she woke up at 5 a.m. She love, love, loves all of her cousins and talks about them often.
Ella was here but was very clingy as she's not used to having company. It takes her a while to warm up and I pulled my camera out at the last minute so I didn't capture her in any pictures but Sherry did so I'll post one when she sends it to me.

We had a great visit. We chatted, the girls played, Lilly opened up an adorable pair of rain boots for her birthday in perfect timing for a weekend of rain forecasted, and we enjoyed lunch together. Then they headed back to Virginia after a quick trip to PA, NJ, and NYC!
It's hard living far away from my sisters and family but it makes visits that much sweeter. Thanks for stopping by Sherry, Katherine, and Elizabeth! We missed you Jeff.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure they missed Chester too!