Thursday, December 23, 2010

5 Months!!

Our babies are 5 months old today. FIVE MONTHS! Wahhhhh.

I like both of these pictures for different reasons so I'm posting both.
Love Luke's adorable smile, active arms and legs, and toe curl.
I love Gabe's subtle half-smile.

Even though Gabe doesn't look like he has a neck, I love that he's so happy and lunging toward me (I caught him!) and I love their feet.
Again, Luke is looking like a big boy.

Hi sweet baby boy Luke!
Luke is a charmer just like his brother. His smile lights up a room. He giggles at his sisters (specifically Lilly right now), he's a voracious eater, he is active and wants to crawl. Luke rolls over both ways so he's officially mobile! Luke has always slept on his belly and once he's asleep he's out. He does take some time to fall asleep and he sleeps with a binky. Luke is such a good little boy and is growing, growing, growing.
At his last visit a month ago he was about 15 lbs and was 70%tile for height.

Hey there Gabey.
Our sweet baby boy has the prettiest brown eyes. We needed a brown-eyed baby around here! Gabe is laid back, affectionate, calm, and happy (we lucked out with these boys!). He likes to watch and observe. He likes to play with his toys and is starting to roll over from back to belly (he already rolls belly to back).
Gabe is still receiving physical therapy but has already caught up and is right on target for a baby his age. Gabe has always put himself to sleep and is also a good sleeper.
He is a (left) thumb-sucker. He is the easiest baby on the planet (really) and will keep himself occupied and happy at all times.
Gabe is also growing nicely. He's 14 lbs and is also in the 70%tile for height just like his brother.

Smiling at Ella while exercising.
Luke can now push himself way up high!
Thank you Aunt Stephanie for our bouncy seat! We love it.

The workload with 4 children 4 and under is definitely a lot but I wouldn't trade these boys for the world. I'm so grateful they're here and cherish every single minute I have with them. Happy 5 months baby boys.

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