Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Breakfast With Santa

Last weekend we went to the annual Breakfast With Santa at a local church. We started going when Lilly was almost 2 and she looks forward to it every year.

I didn't get the greatest picture of Lilly doing the crafts but it's the only one I got...

I just have this need to have a picture to compare to when she was just a wee little babe. This was Lilly at her first Breakfast With Santa when she was 22 months old.
How adorable!?

I think I have stared at this picture over 100 times. I can't tell you what it does to me. It boars a hole into my soul. Her eyes. The expression. Her hand. Her fingers.
I can't take it.

The way she waits and watches...
...and then takes a go at it. Again, the fingers and hands. I have memorized them.
Ella has been known to freak the heck out when seeing anyone dressed in any sort of costume that is big and/or furry. Think, Disney, Chick Fila cow, Home Depot scary dude, Easter Bunnies, Santa Clauses... I would have definitely lost the bet if I'd made one this time because she stood right there next to Santa like she was a pro!

We managed a kids shot thanks to the help of many hands putting our kids up on the stage. I love this picture.

We also got a group shot of the girls and their neighborhood friends.
The boys made their appearance as the tiniest Santas in the joint.
Baby girl was a bit shy and overwhelmed. It's so different for me to experience a shy child after having a bubbly extrovert. She loves to be near her Mama.
Andy looks at the pictures of our kids all together and he says, "Wow."

All I can say is, we're surviving it. One day at a time.

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