Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lilly's 3rd Birthday Party!

Today was Lilly's princess birthday party! Last night Andy and I got the house ready. We hung all of Lilly's dress-up clothes for the kids to try on.
We also put out all of her jewels, wands, and shoes.
This morning Lilly took a bath and I dried her hair so it would look like "princess hair."

Ella dressed for the party too!
Lilly's friends Abby, Sophia, Lindsay, and Nate came and they danced to princess music (Nate, Abby's brother, hung out in another room and played with toys), made a princess craft, changed dress-up clothes, played "Place Cinderella in the Castle"...
...pulled the pinata strings (one string releases the suckers that we placed inside)...

...and ate pizza and cake. Lilly's princess cake was so pretty we didn't want to cut it!

We sang Happy Birthday and then each little princess took turns blowing out the candles. Sophia actually blew Lilly's candles out the first time and I was thrilled that Lilly handled it just fine (considering she's blown many other kids' candles out at their parties!). So we relit the candles and let each little girl have a turn blowing them out.
The kids were adorable. It was just the right amount of friends. I'm pretty sure Lilly had a blast. She's napping now and when she wakes up she'll open her presents! Birthdays are so much fun!

1 comment:

Kay said...

Awww..... wish we were there!! Love the party did great mom!! also loved Ella's picture! Can you send me that one? Noticed Lilly was wearing her new PJs....glad they fit! Miss and love you all!