Thursday, February 5, 2009

What a Day!

This morning we went to a local chocolate shop. I told Lilly my expectations and she met them with flying colors. She enjoyed the chocolate and I ate way too many chocolate covered graham crackers!When we got home I put Lilly in her bed for her nap. I was talking to Kay on the phone as I watched Lilly undress (of course) and then play in her crib naked. Suddenly I saw her swing one leg over the side... This is the moment I've been dreading for a very long time and one I thought would come much much sooner. I told Kay that I thought she was going over and quick thinking on her part she told me to video it!!! My camera was sitting right next to the monitor so we hung up and I quickly turned the camera on and caught it on video (thanks Kay!)...

I panicked. I really panicked. We've been dealing with the stripping every day and I was just feeling like I had a plan in dealing with that and now she figured out complete freedom. She walked down the stairs as happy as could be. She was so proud of herself (as she should be I guess)! She was startled to find me sitting there. She grinned a huge grin and said, "Mommy, I no take nap in my crib!" I told her that was fine (I am learning - NOT the time to battle the nap and watch her climb out 20 more times) but she had to rest and no TV during naptime. She obliged and played with her toys quietly for an hour. All the while I was still panicking.

I called my neighbor and she was so sweet and calming. She told me to take the mattress out of her crib and put it on the floor. She suggested I child proof her doorway. And finally she said not to make a big deal out of it because Lilly will thrive off of that. So I followed her instructions. I went upstairs with Lilly and pulled her mattress out and put it on the floor. I told her it's too dangerous to climb out of the crib in the dark of night and she could sleep on the floor (she was thrilled). Then I childproofed the handle of her bedroom door with a doorknob cover. I removed all toys from her room (so she's not up all night playing with them). She wanted to try out her bed and even put on pajamas to pretend she was sleeping. I was already dreading the night...

As I was walking downstairs with Ella in my arms I slipped on a blanket that Lilly had left on the staircase (unbeknownst to me) and fell down approximately 6 steps. I fell hard. Immediately I was hurting and knew I had probably broken my tail bone. I held Ella throughout the fall and she remained cradled in my arm but I knew she felt the impact of the fall. She was crying and I was in pain. What a day this was turning out to be!

Turns out Ella is fine (Thank YOU Lord) and I am in major agony but I am happy to take the pain instead of Ella being injured.

By 7 p.m. I thought we should get Lilly ready for bed. I was prepared for a few hours of playing in her room, trying to get out of the room, etc. Took her upstairs, put on her pajamas, read her books, and kissed her goodnight. She asked me to leave the door open and I told her I could not since it would be dangerous for her to roam around in the dark. She said, "Ok Mommy" and I left the room. Headed downstairs to watch the games begin on the monitor...

...she never moved again. She went right to sleep on her mattress on the floor!! I couldn't believe it. But then again, she never does what I expect so why am I really surprised? I'm sure tomorrow will be a different story since she was so exhausted tonight but hey, I'll take it!

1 comment:

krissytrebony said...

Wow..she is so tall now that was very easy for her. So cute that she is in her diaper. I love Lilly!