Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nature Baby

We got another dusting of snow and Lilly couldn't wait to get outside. I wish for her sake we would get a significant storm! She immediately wanted to go outside. Right away she stopped and was looking at something on the deck.
Then she asked me, "Mommy wook! Feetpwints!? Whose feetpwints?" I wasn't sure but before I could tell her that she said, "I fink it's a fwirl." She loves nature and is always observing and thinking.
I still am not sure what sort of print it was - too big for a squirrel and not very cat-like. Lilly always keeps me on my toes. I love that she has an interest in nature and the world around her. She much prefers looking at baby birds in a nest, rabbit holes, geese, frogs, footprints in the snow... over talking about colors and numbers and I am beginning to adore that about her.

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