Friday, February 20, 2009

Sick Baby

My poor sweet baby was up all night last night. I think it was gas pains but can't figure out why or how. I'm not eating anything different and I eat a fairly bland diet. I burped her twice before bed. Who knows, but I eventually put her into bed with me and I stayed awake all night while rubbing her back and belly. It was very sad.

She was happy briefly this morning (maybe she was excited to be in her first pair of jeans??)... ...but then started crying and whimpering nonstop.
*Lilly took this picture!!!*

It was such a change in her personality that I took her to the pediatrician to have her ears checked. She did have a temperature but the doctor said she checked out fine with the exception of some mucous. I asked about the fever but he didn't really address it. So I'm left wondering what's wrong with her!?

Tonight I'm planning to burp her well and give her some Tylenol. Hopefully it will be a better night... if not I will appreciate our time together in those wee hours and be grateful that we were finally blessed to have her.

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