Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Skype is great. It's free. It's fun. And our girls get to see family they'd otherwise not see on a regular basis.

Recently the girls were skyping with Papa and Nana Kay.
It was Ella's bedtime.
Lilly enjoyed showing her grandparents her dance moves, flips on the couch, songs, and new hair cut. She's a Skype pro.
Technology fascinates me. I can't believe our girls are growing up with cell phones, digital cameras, Skype, the internet, Facebook, email, etc. I cannot even fathom what's next... I can't wait to see.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Oh my goodness!!! I loved yesterday's pictures of "ya'll" with Sherry and family and now today - I love these!

Precious children - oh how they bring sunshine to a family!

Thanks for sharing. We love ya!