Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Birthday Girl!

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to Ella,
Happy Birthday to You!
Today we are just hanging out doing our usual routine. Lilly is having a very hard time with Ella's special day. She is jealous and I understand how she's feeling. We've done a lot of talking about when people are born (including Jesus) and how we celebrate their births. She understands but feels jealous. She even had a rough morning at school. It must be hard when you're 3 to understand why your little sister is getting so much attention and also receiving gifts. She decided to go take a nap. I think she'll feel better when she wakes.

Tonight we will go to Panera Bread so Ella can have a grilled cheese and a yogurt. Then we will return home for cake and singing.

When I picked Lilly up from school today people were commenting on Ella's dress (because I always take her in footie pj's!) and I told them it was her 1st birthday. Then I started getting all emotional! I knew at any minute I could lose it so I just sort of laughed it off. I just can't believe she's already a year old. And to top it off a website that sends me monthly updates on babies' developments sent today's email titled "My Toddler This Week." Toddler?? I think not.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Happy Birthday to sweet Ella. I hope Lilly feels better...time will help her with her feelings. Your girls are so precious and so full of personality - just like you! I miss all of you and think of you often. Love ya!