Friday, November 6, 2009

Falling Behind

I have fallen behind on my blog because I have spent my days doing 2 things other than caring for our children.

1. Taking care of Marcel (old man neighbor).

2. Finding the h1n1 vaccine for the girls (specifically Lilly who has asthma).

I don't know that the Marc situation will ever be resolved but I did finally get the girls vaccinated today! More details tomorrow when my head isn't throbbing.

One quick story for the road...

Tonight Lilly was continually kicking Ella (softly but progressively becoming harder). Ella was still in the laughing and enjoying-the-game stage. I asked Lilly to stop. I asked her 3 times nicely. She did it again and I told her she'd have to go sit on the steps for a time out. She put her face down on the couch and balled up and didn't go to the steps. This is her way of "hiding" so that the consequence will go away. I told her she needed to get to the steps for the time out by the time I counted to three or I'd have to spank her (no, we don't spank but sometimes I'm guilty of threatening this when she is not listening or cooperating - I'm only human and our days are long...). She popped right up and said, "Ok then just go ahead and spank me so it's done."

That's our Lilly. Willing to take the consequence so she can move on.

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