Monday, September 1, 2008


So I read somewhere that usually by the age of 2 kids are into dress-up and it does wonders for their imagination. I thought to myself that Lilly has never had this interest! So I was telling Andy this morning on the way to breakfast and he said, "Well we haven't provided her with anything to dress up in." He's so smart. Why didn't I think of that? So we headed to WalMart to get her some dress-up clothes after eating at IHOP (yummy). Andy found a trunk full of several outfits, shoes, a tiara, and jewelry. We got home and the fun began!

Love the pearls!

She's putting earrings on Daddy.
Dancing to Britney Spears VMA performance from 2000.
Now when Lilly's friends come over (though all but 1 are boys) she will have some dress-up that she can share. It was really adorable watching her dance in her new fancy clothes. She was saying, "I a princess!"

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