Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sweet Baby Girl

This morning I had an orthodontist appointment. Lilly always sits in her stroller and has a snack while I lie in the chair and get my braces adjusted. Here is the conversation that went on while I was lying flat with my mouth open...

Lilly: "Doctor?"
Dr. Foley: "Yes Lilly?"
Lilly: "You take care of Mommy? Make her all better?"
Dr. Foley: "Oh yes she's doing much better now."
Lilly: "Oh I glad. Mommy you hold my heend. You be alright. I make you all better."

I was melting... She is such a cute age. So very social and verbal. Talks to everyone she sees. After the orthodontist we went to Target. She wanted popcorn. I told her I didn't have any money for popcorn today. She then found 2 pennies on the floor and carried them over to the food court and asked a girl that worked there if she could have popcorn with her "two monies." I of course stepped in and told her that we would get something in a little bit. Lilly agreed and we went on to shop for a couple items. Along the way Lilly was saying hello to everyone telling them, "Hi, I Lilly. I two and a hass" and of course telling them she wanted popcorn.

As we were finishing up our shopping, the original girl Lilly had asked for popcorn earlier showed up with a small bowl of popcorn. She asked Lilly if she had been good for Mommy. Lilly said, "Oh yes, I good in Tawget." The girl then gave her the popcorn. We thanked her and went to leave. Lilly said to me, "Awww, Mommy, that soooo nice!!!"

I just love our conversations all day long. She is really so much fun to spend my days with. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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