Friday, September 12, 2008

First Day of Preschool UPDATE

Ok a slight amendment to my former version of the first day of school...

So the director of the preschool wrote me an email saying, "
Of course!! Kristin I want to talk to you more about this – I’m going to give you a call in a little bit. It will all be OK I promise!" I eagerly awaited her phone call.

She was lovely and sweet and had talked to the classroom teacher. Apparently there was some sort of "altercation" that left Lilly angry. They did not see the altercation but know she became angry. She then crawled under the table because she was mad. One of the assistants tried to go under and get her and hold her to comfort her but "Lilly wanted nothing to do with them." After a while they got her calmed down and had coaxed her out from under the table when she hit her head on the table. They said, "After that she was done." I have seen this happen many times before and the more attention I give to her at these times the angrier she gets. The behavior is often a response to feeling embarrassed.

While I still feel badly that she had a rough start I feel MUCH BETTER knowing it was anger and not Lilly missing us. In fact, this is one of the reasons we put her in a program - so that she would learn to cooperate with other children and handle discipline from other adults.

The director assured me that I could do an abbreviated version of school until Lilly is comfortable if there's a need. So Monday I will stay at the church and they will periodically check on Lilly and let me know how she's doing. If at any point she's upset and cannot get herself together I will take her home.

I am feeling better. I have great hope that this will be a good program for Lilly and that she will learn some of the necessary social skills that are pertinent to getting along with others. And I also hope that they will get to see how very sweet and loving Lilly is. She has so much to offer and has such a dynamite personality that they will really get to love and enjoy.

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