Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Lilly and Ella watching a movie together before bed... Ella decided to snooze instead!
Tonight is my first night alone with the girls. Andy has come home early every night since going back to work which I really appreciate! I know it can't continue every single night and tonight he had to stay and get caught up. I was a bit worried about juggling the two of them at bedtime especially after being up most of the night last night with Ella. But I handled it and it's worked out just fine. I gave Lilly a bath early while Ella hung out in her bouncy seat and then Lilly got to watch a movie and I was able to get the house in order.

Andy and I think Ella is darker skinned like my dad; her Papa. You can really see it in this picture with the girls side by side. We'll have to wait and see!!

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