Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sweet Baby Girl

Ella found her thumb this morning for a few minutes... She was waiting patiently for Mommy to feed her so she decided she'd take matters into her own hands (literally). She was sucking away passing the time until I could get to her.
Sleeping so peacefully while her big sister naps. Such a sweet little girl.
I read a blog about a mom that died the day after giving birth to her first child - Madeline. I sit and look at my girls and my family and think about how very lucky I am to be here. Life can be taken from you in an instant. I am so thankful that I got to see both of my little girls be born and have been able to watch them grow. I wish I could remember to cherish every moment and to stop wishing for the future. Today, I vowed to enjoy each passing minute. And I have. And it's been very very nice.

This song and video reminds me to enjoy the here and now. I hope I can teach this to my girls.

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