Friday, March 20, 2009


I have learned that I have a few quirks as a mom that I never thought I'd have before entering toddlerhood! I don't love bubbles - in fact I pretty much can't stand them. I love to look at them but I can't stand getting them on me and I can't stand getting the bubble solution all over my hands. I also hyperventilate when Lilly mixes all the watercolors so they all become brown. I don't want to squelch her creativity so I bought a bunch of them so I know there are pretty clean ones in the cabinet. That helps my anxiety as she mixes away. So, yesterday, I learned of a third issue that I have... mixing playdoh.

Lilly decided she wanted to make a rainbow castle like her panties. One part of me was thinking, "Wow she even has inspiration for her masterpiece!" and the other part of me was in cold sweats!!! But I let her do it (though on my Target run last night I bought new playdoh) and she had a blast.
Ella had her 4 month check-up yesterday. She's thriving. She was 95%tile for height and weight tipping the scales at 15lbs, 3 oz and 25 inches long. She smiled at Dr. George as he checked her head to toe. He commented that she's very strong. She was happy as a clam until he gave her 5 vaccines!!! Poor little baby got shots in her thighs. Lilly initially laughed (she often initially reacts this way when someone gets hurt - an uncomfortable response I believe) and then I looked over and she was crying. She gave Ella her lovey since Ella was so upset and I had forgotten her own lovey. Ella cried for 15 minutes straight. I didn't know what to do to calm her since Lilly never cried longer than a minute from shots. It's the third time I've experienced Ella being this upset - she's clearly more sensitive/emotional than Lilly so this is new to me! She eventually passed out and when she woke she started crying again! She took a nice long nap and had some Tylenol and was fine the rest of the day.

I've been waiting for our daffodils to bloom - I love daffodils! I could smell them all day long. Yesterday was almost the day but it remained a bit too cloudy and cold. This is as close as our one leading daffodil got...

I love spring. I love wearing sweatshirts. I love taking walks. I love the smell in the air. I love flowers and new mulch. I love sun shiney days.

I can't wait.

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