Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lessons in Parenting

Lilly pretty much potty trained herself (thank the Lord) and I've become a bit more brave and have been taking her out in her underwear. She's gone on bike rides and played at the park; even ventured to nearby CVS in underwear. So yesterday when she insisted on going to dance class in panties I figured we might as well give it a go. I cannot believe how teeny tiny she looks without her diaper on! Her hiney is tiny and she's so darn skinny. I don't know how she'll hold up her pants without the diaper!

She did a great job at dance and even came out at one point telling me she had to use the bathroom. She's very good at holding it until she's in the bathroom (usually she insists on doing it all alone from start to finish but in public I like to go in with her) and she went just fine at the dance studio. After dance class we headed to Buy Buy Baby to look at double jogging strollers. When we arrived we headed over to the strollers and I put both girls in the one I wanted to test drive. Immediately Lilly said, "Mommy I'm peeing!" and I looked down to see her peeing in a very nice floor model baby jogger.

Of course accidents will happen and any good mother would have a change of clothes waiting... Yep, that's right - nothing - I left the house without a change of clothes since she's done such a good job for a couple of weeks. We headed to the bathroom where I figured I'd dry her pants with the hand blower. No hand blowers. I then thought I'd just buy her a pair of pants. They don't sell clothing over size 24 months. So, this is how Lilly walked around Buy Buy Baby...
She is wearing a pull-up in the picture. Thank goodness it was a very warm day though we did get many stares. Lesson learned on my part! Since then she has successfully gone out and about in her panties without any accidents.

Today we headed to a new dance store that one of the teachers at Marcia Hyland opened recently. We ended up buying a new dance outfit...

If you click on the picture above you'll see a princess crown made out of sequins. It is adorable and Lilly loves it.

This afternoon it was lovely outside and I took the girls on a walk in the stroller and then headed to the park. After spending a few hours outside we headed to Panera Bread with Stephy (Andy worked late) for some soup. Next door to Panera Bread is a salon called Hello Gorgeous that I've heard a few moms talking about and I ducked my head inside to see if they could trim Lilly's hair. They said "no problem" so we headed inside. I wasn't sure how Lilly would feel since this was only her 2nd haircut ever and the first was at a fun kid's salon where she sat on a frog for the cut. But I wanted to try it out because it was cheap and I've heard other moms saying the stylists are wonderful to the kids.

I heard that keeping a young child's hair trimmed every few months will keep the wispy baby ends away and will thicken their hair so I figured I'd try it (and the hair dresser confirmed this for me).

The girl was, in fact, lovely. Lilly wanted to sit on my lap so I was unable to take any pictures but it was quick and easy and this is the result...

It really looks great and I'm so glad she took off the couple inches that made her hair look stringy. I also learned that a child's hair is finally it's true texture between the ages of 5 and 7 so she has a chance of getting thicker hair. The things you learn hanging out in a hair salon.

Tomorrow is Ella's 4 month appointment and she'll be getting vaccines. I dread it. Boo hoo. I don't want my sweet baby girl to feel pain! Say a little prayer if you would.

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