Thursday, March 19, 2009

Babies Babies Babies

Two of our dear friends have recently had babies! On March 3, Keith and Lisa's third baby Justine Claire arrived in perfect health. She will be adored by her big sister Abby and her big brother Nate. I can't wait to meet her in person!
On St. Patrick's Day, Mike and Stephanie were thrilled to meet their 2nd son Ryan Zachary. He was born 5 days past his due date and tipped the scales at 9 lbs, 1 oz! Stephanie is doing great and big brother Jordan is all smiles. We miss them so much as they are now in Cape Cod, MA. Hopefully we'll get up there soon and we can meet Ryan and see Jordie again!

Babies are such a miracle. It will never cease to amaze me what our bodies can do. Every single day I look at Lilly and Ella and can't believe that Andy and I created life, they grew inside of me, were born from me, and are kept alive (in the beginning) by my breasts. I know it sounds so very corny but really, it totally amazes me every single day. I thank God I was given my two girls and I am so very happy for my friends who are having babies of their own and excited for those that will soon create life. What a very beautiful miracle.

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