Friday, March 6, 2009

Lilly's Breakfast

I was finishing nursing Ella when I got a call from the lactation consultant I've been working with. I thought Lilly was in the other room watching TV. When I finished the call and heard the TV in the other room I thought it was odd that Lilly was watching Sesame Street (she doesn't like it at all). I got up to see if she'd fallen asleep but found an empty bed...

I went downstairs and found her in the family room grinning ear to ear. A sticky ear to ear. She had helped herself to breakfast.
Knowing this is typical 3 year old craftiness - she had freedom and she took advantage of it - I told her very calmly and pleasantly that she has to ask before helping herself to food. She cleaned it all up (and I threw it all away since we never even touch it and it's old) and then she had a time out. No yelling. No scolding. No anger. I'm learning! I'm learning that she's 3, she's strong-willed, she's inquisitive, she's independent, and she's smart. She'll seize an opportunity should it arise and if it doesn't arise she'll create the opportunity. And I'm learning to love this side of her even though I don't always understand it. I'm not there yet but I'm on my way!

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