Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Monday

Today we hung out at home all day. In fact, I don't think I showered until noon. I don't typically like to do that but I was especially tired when I woke up and my neck and glands hurt so I figured we'd take it easy. I'm also trying to get Ella on a schedule so it's best to be home for that.

The other day I bought Lilly a new outfit for warm weather and I asked her to try it on today. She looked so cute I couldn't help but snap a few shots. And Lilly decided to strike a pose. She kept saying, "Mommy take it now, now, and now!" And with each "now" came a different pose. Not once did she actually look at the camera but then again that's to be expected.

She liked the outfit so much she wore it outside (it was not warm and I did get her to wear a jacket but she kept her legs bare) to play soccer with me during one of Ella's naps.

Speaking of soccer... Lilly's got some skills! I am shocked at how she handles a soccer ball. She runs and dribbles with her feet, passes, and can kick beautifully. We signed her up for a township soccer skills class for 3 year old's. It's six Tuesdays in April and May and there are no games - just an introduction to the sport. We think she'll love it and we also think it will be good for her to be in a group setting with other children and to have practice listening to an instructor. I plan to make Tuesday nights a family night where we all go to her soccer practice and then out to dinner.

Ella decided she wasn't up for napping this afternoon. She ended up having a blow-out and I had to take off her stinky shirt and then we sat and laughed and played and had a good 'ol time.

Ella's cheeks have been very rosy for the last few days and after lots of thought I am assuming it's teething. I was debating on whether or not it's Fifths Disease but I just don't think it is. And besides, if it is, there's nothing that can be done. She's way too happy and pleasant to be sick.

Tonight Andy worked late and I tackled giving both girls a bath... together. It was the first time Ella's bathed in the bathtub and Lilly was sooo excited! Ella was pretty happy herself. Every time she sees Lilly she smiles and laughs.
Ella's not sure what she's doing - if you see the cup Lilly's holding - she was pouring that on Ella's belly and Ella was giggling. So cute.

I was so proud of myself! By 8:30 both girls were in bed and I had some time to myself. Much needed time...

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