Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Bunny

Today Babcia (Andy's mom) and I took the girls to see the Easter Bunny.
*Andy was working on his dissertation at work.
Lilly was a bit nervous when she saw the big bunny! In the car she asked me where the Easter Bunny lives. I was on the phone with my sister Stephanie and so I asked her and she said, "With the Tooth Fairy!" but I informed her we don't yet know the Tooth Fairy so she said, "In a meadow" so I told Lilly that and Lilly said, "Noooo Mom!!"
I stood nearby and Lilly was fine. Ella was also fine which surprised me because lately she cries when anyone else holds her. I don't think she really got a good look at who was holding her. And guess what? The girl said, "Smile Lilly!" and she smiled! Unbelievable.
After visiting the bunny we had lunch in the food court and then headed home. It's a gorgeous day (though very windy) and now Lilly's very excited about the Easter Bunny.
Now we're headed to Lindsay's 3rd birthday party at Chick-Fil-A. What a day!

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