Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tummy Tub

I bought Ella the Tummy Tub. I was so very excited. This is the info about the tub:

"The new concept in bathing babies in the TummyTub® from the birth up to 3 years. The benefits are acknowledged in maternity hospitals and homes throughout Europe. Endorsed by physicians, midwives and nursery nurses.

TummyTub® was designed in the Netherlands by childcarers to ease the transition from the comfort of the mother’s womb.

Babies naturally adopt the fetal position and it is amazing to see how quickly they calm and relax."

While it says it goes up to 3 years of age I did not intend to bathe Lilly in it. But when your baby sister gets something new and cool and you're 3, you want to try it out too!

However, the bad news is this...

I really can't use it because Ella wants to stand up in it and that doesn't work out. It's nearly impossible to bend her legs as she's the strongest baby I've ever encountered (and we thought Lilly was strong). So bummer on the Tummy Tub.

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