Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Labor Story, Part 1

Almost 4 years ago today, I was 7 hours into what would turn out to be a 42 hour labor. I awoke at 3 a.m. with labor pains that were 15 minutes apart. I was excited. I quietly crept downstairs to watch TV so that I wouldn't wake Andy. When he got up for work around 6 a.m. we were excited and eager to have our first baby girl.

The pain wasn't bad so I told him to go ahead to work to tie up some loose ends. He headed in and planned to only stay a couple hours. I remember standing in the hallway while Andy got ready for work when he said, "We're having a baby today! Her birthday will be February 23rd!"

I hung out at home and got ready for my hair appointment to have my hair highlighted. I figured I could still go since the contractions were mild. I went to the hairdresser and then met Andy at Panera Bread for lunch. We talked about when we thought she would arrive. I had
no idea it would be the next evening!

As nighttime arrived I was surprised to still be having sporadic contractions. They were a bit stronger but were 12 minutes apart, then 8 minutes, then 10 minutes, and so on. Around 10 p.m. I decided to start walking. Andy laid on the couch and I walked circles around our downstairs. It didn't help so I moved to the basement and got on the treadmill. The contractions picked up and I remember I actually started jogging and would have to stop, bend over, and breathe through the contractions. By midnight they were about 5 minutes apart so I called the doctor on-call. I was also in a fair amount of pain. He told me it was too early and to wait until they were 3 minutes apart. I was in pain and eager and just wanted to go to the hospital but didn't want to be sent home since it's a 30 minute drive so we waited.

Tomorrow's labor story to come...

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