Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Labor Story, Part 2

The second half of my labor. Written to you Lilly girl...

By 3 a.m. we left for the hospital. I actually worried at some point on the drive to U of Penn if we would make it. Little did I know I wouldn't have you for another 16+ hours!

When we got to the hospital, Daddy pulled the car right in front of the emergency room so we could rush inside. Thinking back I think that's really adorable. We were so excited for your arrival! I was admitted to triage where we would wait to see if I was far enough along to be admitted to a delivery room. I was tired (had been awake at 25 hours at this point!) and in pain. So much for the big plan I had to shower and fix my hair for the big delivery! And wow, Mommy gets very swollen at the end of pregnancy! Yikes!

We were finally admitted and I was given an epidural around 9 a.m. The epidural made me very sick so they gave me an anti-nausea drug in my IV which made me loopy and sleepy so the next 8 hours are a blur as Daddy and I dozed off and on in a dark delivery room. We also talked to some friends and wondered why I wasn't progressing past 5 cm.

Finally, around 4 p.m. and after 37 hours of laboring things had moved along and I was ready to push and meet you sweet baby girl! Well I pushed, and I pushed, and I pushed. I pushed for 3.5 long hours but you never even moved an inch! You stayed snug and content above my birth canal. The doctor finally figured out that you were "sunny-side-up" and that was the reason for Mommy's pain and long labor. Dr. Wu went in and turned you the right way and out you came!!
Lilly Grayce Davis
6lbs, 9oz
19.5 in
7:24 p.m.

I was so glad you were here and you were perfect! Mommy had some trouble after you were born. It's graphic so I'll skip the details. It was scary but Mommy made it through and by midnight was in a regular room with Daddy and you, sweet baby girl!
It has been 4 years since you arrived and I cannot tell you how deep my love is for you. I have been reliving your birthday for 2 days and I would do it all again a thousand times. You are amazing!

Today, you are 4 years old. You are so proud of yourself and so are we.
You can eat cupcakes for breakfast, dress yourself, make your own meals, use the bathroom alone, take care of your baby sister, talk on the phone, make everyone laugh, recognize letters and their sounds, write many letters and a few words, sing songs and create songs, do crazy gymnastics moves, dance like a ballerina, run fast, ride a bike and scooter, roller skate, skip, gallop, and so much more. You're a big girl but you're always Mommy's baby girl.

Your birthday breakfast today!
Using utensils to cut your pancake all by yourself.
Heading to school with your special cupcakes and fruit, birthday napkins, juice, and your Zhu Zhu pet (Bella) to share.(Cupcakes in horrible lighting taken with my cell phone.)
Tonight we will go to Olive Garden to celebrate, tomorrow you will (hopefully) have a little birthday party at Bounce U, and Friday (you don't know this yet), we're going to Disney World.

Happy 4th Birthday Lilly!

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