It's hard to get a shower around here. Last week as I was showering Ella appeared at my feet in the tub in her footie pajamas. She had flown through the curtain and landed in the tub. We were both shocked. I still don't know what happened. A chase maybe?
Today, before I even got in the shower, I heard banging down the hallway. Lilly was laughing. It definitely sounded like a head hitting the wall. Around the corner came Ella fully clad in chef attire with the hat over her face. She must have bumped into the wall the entire way trying to find me and Lilly thought it was hysterical. It probably was.
If I didn't shave my legs today I was going to be mistaken for something other than human. I usually take a 30 second shower because Ella stands at the end of the tub with the curtain open and cries the entire time. Today, I shaved my legs in peace. I enjoyed it so much. I only wondered once where Ella was but quickly resumed my peaceful 4 minute shower.
Andy cannot understand why I don't "clean up as I go." This is reason number 4,539,982. I did clean up. I cleaned up the NEW mess and by the time I was finished picking up the toilet paper, fishing toys out of the toilet, picking cheerios up off the floor, putting all the clothes back in the drawer that Ella took out... I was tired. I was too tired to start vacuuming or dusting and the kids were ready to get on with the day. I know he'll never understand since he hasn't fully experienced it, but I'm content with a moderately clean home and happy, healthy kids at the end of the day.
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