Saturday, February 6, 2010


This storm is no joke. It started later than they were forecasting so I didn't believe we would get any at all. We are now at 20 inches and it's expected to snow another 7 hours. It's been snowing hard all day long. I feel trapped. I don't need anything but I don't like knowing I can't get out and about. Our roads haven't been touched which is rare. But we did have some fun outside!
Daddy building a snow fort.
Hi baby girl!
Ella even made a debut (which meant I did as well). She really liked it this time though the wind is fierce. She was supposed to get a chest x-ray at 11 a.m. but everything closed down. She has still not recovered from her respiratory infection so her time outside was short and sweet.
The snow fort was a hit. Andy made me go inside. I was wearing pajama pants since I do not have snow gear. I realized today I've never had a stocking cap and I want one. I crawled through on my hands and knees while Andy assured me it was "really warm inside." Lilly was inside waiting for me (it's very big inside). I completely forgot I was pregnant until I couldn't fit out of the exit. It wasn't because I'm pregnant that I couldn't fit but I just happened to remember and it made me chuckle. That and I was wearing snowflake pajama pants in almost 2 feet of snow.
Ella had the most fun watching the action from the rocking chair on the porch.
Snow angel!
Snow is beautiful and fun for a short while but it's really nice to be inside with a warm fire and hot chocolate. I love lazy days with family.

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