Saturday, October 11, 2008

Family Day

Today Papa and Nana Kay came to New Jersey for a visit! Lilly was SO EXCITED she could not contain herself. She waited outside for 30 minutes for them to arrive. When they came driving down the street she was yelling and jumping up and down. It was very cute to see. We immediately headed to the park.

Papa (whom Lilly calls "Paw Paw") videotaped the whole excursion.
Papa and Nana brought lots of presents to NJ and one was a Dora Saves the Mermaid DVD. They all watched it together. Lilly loves princesses and mermaids.

Lilly and Papa played wild together - she had fun jumping all over his back and flipping around and around.
We had a really fun day hanging out, visiting, playing, and eating! Lilly had a ball. Papa gave her lots and lots of candy (he bought her 4 princess Pez dispensers) and they brought her gifts. She was spoiled with love, attention, and gifts! A perfect day in the eyes of a 2 year old and we had a great time as well.

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