Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another Beach Day

Another beach day (really just morning) with a friend. This was our first beach trip with a little friend and no older kids to help out! Here is my friend Stephanie, her son Jordan, and Lilly.They had fun though there was a lot of breaking up rough play, sand throwing, etc.

Lilly always needs a rest at the beach! If Jordan would have let her lie down alone she probably would have drifted off to sleep but instead he kept body slamming her...
So I've decided, an ideal beach trip would be me, Lilly, and Stephy (our friend's 11 year old). Lilly loves Stephy and they would play together, we could go on walks, boardwalk, etc. So that will be my next attempt. But we did have a nice time even if it wasn't completely relaxing.

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