Saturday, June 21, 2008

Busy Saturday

This morning our street (8 houses) had a yard sale. Lilly sat in her seat (which we sold) while Daddy set everything up! We made $368 and it was really a fun time. We sat and enjoyed the weather (no humidity and gorgeous). Lilly wandered around, hung out, talked with neighbors...

Then we headed to North Jersey to Sophia's 2nd birthday party. It was also a really great time. We took Stephy and Victoria with us (Victoria was Sophia's neighbor before they moved). The kids stayed in the pool most of the time.
They have a gorgeous home inside and out.
Lilly with Stephy and Victoria. Lilly is FEARLESS this summer in the pool. She jumps into deep water whether you're there or not (SCARY) and is a total risk-taker. I need to give her some lessons. She even willingly goes under sometimes.

Thank goodness Andy stayed in with her most of the time. She makes me a nervous wreck.
Visiting with Christine and Sophia in the pool. I wasn't going to get in but there was NO shade and it got very very hot. At one point I got a little lightheaded and figured I better get in. No shame... Christine is also pregnant and we have the same due date!
Lilly actually chooses fruit over cake! Here's the proof...
On the way home we saw 2 mother turkeys with babies. I have never seen this before!!!

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