Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Good Day

Today was a good day. I felt like I had a NORMAL relationship with my sweet Lilly. Very little discipline was needed and when I did need to it was understood and respected. WOO HOO!

I decided to take Lilly to the last music class since we've skipped at least a month. I also wanted to see the moms and say hello and goodbye. Music is over until the fall and we won't be signing up again in the fall. We started this music class with the same people when Lilly was 9 months old. And she really did love it (until the very end).

I was confident in my approach as I was driving. If Lilly hit or kicked even once we were leaving. Even if it was 2 minutes after arriving. I would not let this embarrass me but remember that I was doing this for my child so that she would learn that Mommy means business (again, thanks to the professionals). I did however ignore my mentors advice (Mommy's know best) regarding prepping her about her behavior when traveling to a destination. I know Lilly and if I started going on and on about hitting and kicking she sure as hell was going to walk in and hit or kick. So I said nothing...

...and she did NOTHING! No hitting, no kicking, no pushing... Thank the Lord. I was on eggshells the whole time and a nervous wreck but I smiled and acted nonchalant and prayed, prayed, prayed. And it worked. She enjoyed music (was a bit revved up and did some wild play) and we made it to the end (the first time in 2 months). I was very proud of her (which I was also afraid to mention to her for fear she'd think - "Oh yeah, you're proud? Well I'll fix that!").

And today the couple times I warned her of an impending timeout (and she continued behavior) and then took her into the laundry room for the timeout she actually said, "Ok ok I sorry Mommy! I no do again!!" but I still put her in the timeout (that's hard to do) and she paid her time. It was the FIRST time she has cared about going into timeout. She didn't sing while in there or laugh or play. She cried and begged me to let her out. And that my dear is success!!!!

*And did I mention I've cooked 2 nights in a row (gasp) and the house is clean? What is happening to my life???

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