Sunday, June 8, 2008

Back to the Beach

We are also taking part in the heat wave on the east coast and decided it would be best to head to the beach for the day rather than fight 100 degree temperatures at home. It was a GREAT idea. Never broke a sweat once! It was gorgeous on the beach. We also got a front row parking spot which made it all the better.

Lilly had a blast again. This time she almost napped on the beach but got a second wind so she napped in the car on the way home. She had so much fun playing with all the kids. After prom Natalie, her boyfriend, and a bunch of friends stayed at "the shore" so Lilly of course loved being in the mix and they love Lilly (and are so good to her).

Lilly also enjoyed playing in the water with Stephy (the only person she'll go into the water with).And spending time with Johnny watching waves and making a big hole.

I happen to think she is the cutest baby on earth....

She pooped while playing with Stephy so I went out to take off her diaper, wipe her down, and then clean the sand off of her before heading home but in true Lilly fashion, she had to first PEE IN THE OCEAN! Stephy said, "I'm so embarrassed."
It was so much fun. We're so lucky to live so close to the beach. Can't wait to get back.

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