Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Table and New Room

We've been on a hunt for curtain rods to match Lilly's existing curtain rod. No such luck. But on our way out of JC Penney's last night we saw this adorable miniature outdoor picnic table just Lilly's size and on a major sale. Of course we had to get it for her!We never found the right curtain rods so today we picked up different ones for her new room. In case you didn't know, Lilly is moving into a bigger and better room! Andy's been working on it off and on for over a year in his "spare" time (which doesn't really exist). He tore down all the old walls, put up new walls, put in new windows, recessed lights, and new closet doors (which I love). There hasn't been a rush to get it finished (she was moving into this room even if we didn't have another baby) but now that it's coming together it's exciting. We based the color around her big girl quilt that will go on her big girl bed when she's ready to make the switch (no time soon). For now she'll remain in her crib which she loves. Not sure when we'll move all of her furniture into the new room (her furniture grows with her) so for now I'm enjoying decorating it bit by bit. The walls are painted, window treatments on one window up, some pictures bought, bedding bought, and that's about it. Here is a shot of the window treatments and closet doors...

These pictures don't do the lavender justice - I snapped them in pitch dark because with the lights on I was getting a glare. This looks more periwinkle but the color is actually much warmer - this is a picture with the lights on (more accurate depiction of the color I think)...Andy doesn't like how the drapes hang on the floor - I'm ok with it. Would love feedback though. I can get them hemmed if it would look better.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I like the drapes hanging on the floor..i would keep it that way:)!!