Friday, January 9, 2009

Crazy Day

Yay! My sister Stephanie is in NJ visiting me! I am so happy and relieved. Stephanie heard I was going to be alone all weekend while Andy was at Seton Hall working on his doctorate so Todd booked her a plane ticket and she came to stay. It is Friday night at 10 p.m. and I can honestly say if she wasn't here I'd be 1). scared, 2). stressed, 3). dreading the night alone with the 2 kids - 1 being a waking newborn with a horrible cold.

Stephanie arrived Thursday afternoon around 2 p.m. to spend the weekend with me. Lilly was thrilled to see her aunt but confused as to where her cousins were. Stephanie got her up from her nap and Lilly asked, "I see Brooke and Bailee?!" I was surprised she remembered their names from her last visit with them in Florida. Andy worked late and we hung at home and picked up subs for dinner then headed to bed.

This morning Stephanie and I took Lilly to Gymboree gym class while Andy stayed home and packed and prepared for his weekend (and kept Ella). Steph is such a good aunt she even showed Lilly her own front roll! Lilly thought that was great since Mommy has never done that. When we returned I fed Ella before we all headed to Panera Bread for lunch. I was excited to go to lunch since I hadn't eaten all day.

Meanwhile Ella's been fighting a nasty cold for about 5 days. I have taken her to the doctor and they checked her breathing and said it's just a cold and to continue using saline drops and suctioning to help her breathe.

As we're all standing in the kitchen getting ready to leave for lunch Ella started an episode of gasping for air that was very loud (EMT training put to use I was able to tell the doctor it was like stridor). I had heard her do this before but not for this long. I took her from a worried Stephanie and put her up on my shoulder and patted her back. The gasping continued. Stephanie finally said, "I'm about to call 9-1-1" and I told her I had heard it before and we continued to watch. Since it wasn't stopping and Ella was trying to cry and Stephanie was about to call an ambulance, I called the pediatrician. The nurse heard her breathing and said, "I am NOT comfortable with that at all" and told me she'd call me right back. When she called back she told me the doctor said we needed to go the emergency room. I asked if we should still go since she had stopped (she vomitted after the episode). She said, "Yes" so Stephanie and I left while Andy stayed home with Lilly (thank God it worked out that Andy was home and Stephanie was here).

When we got to the ER I was thrilled to see only one other person in the waiting room! They checked us in and took us right back. The doctor saw us immediately. He listened to her lungs and talked with us. He said he really wasn't sure what was going on. He said she obviously has an upper respiratory infection/cold and that he was assuming it was from blocked mucous and that she was trying to work it out. The doctor told us to make sure if it happened again to check her coloring and blue = bad. They gave her a chest xray which looked good and we headed home. We were in and out in 2 hours which was great. Here is Ella in the hospital...

She was a real trooper staying awake almost the whole time. It was my first visit to the Emergency Room for one of my kids! I am grateful we went and that she is alright. Stephanie is sleeping upstairs with me tonight because she's still a nervous wreck (Ella is still gasping at times for air - no stridor - and very congested).

Andy left for Seton Hall and when Lilly woke up we all went to watch Stephy (Jackie's daughter) cheer for her first middle school girl's basketball game and then we made it to Panera Bread for dinner!

Ella never woke up during our evening out - she was so tired from her adventurous day! She's now up playing with Aunt Stephanie while I finally update the blog!

Lilly is loving having her aunt here and has shown her all of her tricks. Tomorrow we'll spend the day visiting and child-proofing the house some more (Lilly's outsmarting our current safety measures...).

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