Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What a Morning!

My great friend Stephanie (and her son Jordan and husband Mike) are moving tomorrow to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I'm going to be very sad to see them go. Last night she called to see if she could come over this morning at 10 a.m. to let the kids play and say goodbye. This morning at 9 a.m. when I was in the shower it hit me that I really should have had a going away party for her with the few moms she became friendly with. I hopped out of the shower (an hour until our play date) and called 3 moms. They all agreed to come by 10:30 a.m. I had no idea how I was going to get ready, get the girls ready, somehow get food, clean the house, etc. in an hour but I was determined and when I'm determined there isn't much I can't do!

I called my neighbor (who's also friends with Stephanie) who happened to be at the grocery store (my lucky day). She picked up cinnamon bread and shortbread cookies from Great Harvest Bread Company and dropped it off. I pulled all my fruit out of the refrigerator and made a bowl of grapes, blackberries, and strawberries. I got cups and plates and napkins and was ready to go! Somehow I also got my hair done, make-up, both girls dressed and the house cleaned. Really it was a true miracle that all of this came together in an hour.

At 10:30 Jen, Caden, and baby Jake arrived. At 10:35 Stacey, Will, and Colin arrived. I had texted Steph to ask her to come at 10:30. By 11 a.m. she wasn't here yet. Around 11:10 she called to ask me if she could come over this evening instead!! I told her "no" and that there were people here for her so she headed right over (with Jordan). She walked in and we all said "Surprise!" and the kids played and wrecked the house. It was fun and it all worked out.

By noon they were all gone and by 12:15 p.m. the house was clean again and Lilly was plopped in front of a movie! I'm very happy we all got together one last time before Stephanie leaves. Here's the group...

And to think, with the exception of Stephanie, we all met when Lilly was 9 months old in music class. We all had one child (the 3 sitting on the step in the picture). Since then, Stacey and Jen have each had a 2nd boy and Stephanie is pregnant with a 2nd boy! And I, of course, had a 2nd girl. We've all had our challenges in the last 2 years and yet we've overcome them and have so much to be thankful for!

Ella was wiped out from all the excitement and took her first nap of the day at noon.

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