Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I made the mistake the other day of telling TWO people that Lilly had never thrown up before...

...silly me. Not only did Lilly then throw up the very next day (due to mucous in her lungs) but now Ella is very sick with the stomach virus and threw up all night.

Both kids are sick. This is not fun. It all started in early January. On New Year's Day Lilly showed symptoms of a cold. It wasn't full blown and she, like me, is prone to respiratory illness so we have a whole system to do when she gets cold symptoms. We started her on a nebulizer and nasal spray nightly. Four days later Ella got a cold (same cold I presume). I began using saline and suctioning her nose daily. All was well and in control.

At some point I took Ella to the doctor to have them check her cold and make sure it wasn't in her chest (I get nervous with my and Lilly's history) and they said she was fine; just a common cold.

Lilly's cold was doing pretty well until she went outside skating. The cold air seems to have triggered her asthma (she has respiratory illness induced asthma, aka asthma) and she got the all-too-familiar cough. Before you think I'm a horrible mother I called the allergist before she went skating to see if I could take her skating and she said yes as long as I did a particular nebulizer before we went... and I did... The cough quickly worsened and I took her in right away to be seen by the allergist. It was indeed in her chest but Dr. Coo felt it was not yet an infection so she put her on a long list of meds (Albuterol, Pulmicourt, Nasonex, Singulair, and Predinsolone) to try to stop the illness before it becomes Pneumonia. The downfall? Lilly + Albuterol + Predinsolone = insanity. Really, I don't even recognize one bit of her personality - she is completely, 100% a maniac - running, bouncing, yelling, banging her head, spinning, etc. It's really sad to watch. We feel so sorry for her but at the same time it's maddening.

I got home from the doctor with Lilly last night, Andy went to the pharmacy and got the sleu of drugs, and then we all went to bed... During the night Lilly was up coughing, talking, etc. and Ella started vomiting. Every time I fed her she threw up buckets. Soaked me, herself, the blankets, my bed, her bed... I didn't have a dry blanket to even swaddle her with so I wrapped her in something I found (old hospital blanket?) and put her back to bed. She then threw up in her bed, etc. the rest of the night. By 5 a.m. Ella was up because I couldn't find dry clothing/bedding and Lilly woke up crying and saying she couldn't sleep anymore and that her legs hurt. Andy ended up taking the day off (thank goodness) as I guess he could foresee it wasn't going to be easy for me by myself (and operating on about 1.5 hrs of sleep).

Today, I took Ella to the doctor at 10a.m. which I had scheduled yesterday to check her cold again. Dr. Weber said she has the stomach virus that's going around and Bronchiolitis.

"Bronchiolitis is a common illness of the respiratory tract caused by an infection that affects the tiny airways, called the bronchioles, that lead to the lungs. As these airways become inflamed, they swell and fill with mucus, making breathing difficult."

Great, our poor newborn has the flu and respiratory issues... He told me to pump and then only give her a tiny syringe full of breast milk until she can hold down a full feeding. Good thing Andy stayed home. Lilly was bouncing off the walls and I was able to take Ella to the doctor alone and then drop Ella off and go grocery shopping since we didn't even have a slice of bread to eat.

I am hoping that both girls are well sooner than later and we can resume our normal life! For now we are homebound so that we don't infect anyone else and I am praying that the rest of us don't catch the stomach flu.

Here are our girls watching TV last weekend. Lilly loves her sister so very much!

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